Thursday, February 2, 2012

My first blog?!

So I am a little curious about this whole blogging thing?!  I mean who could be that interested in someone else's life? 

Oh yea...maybe that is why facebook is so popular; right! 

Anyway, I thought it might be nice to blog as a way to keep an online journal of my life.  Usually at night I am on the computer and Jeff is watching the news anyway.  Our lives scream excitement!

So here it typical day

Today was another wonderful day in the world of motherhood.  How do toddlers have so much energy? I wish I could bottle it up for myself.  We did the normal morning routine except I also have my mom's dog to watch on top of my dog and my toddler.  And if you know anything about King Charles Cavaliers; they CRAVE attention.  So needless to say it took awhile to get through the basics this morning.  I mean the simpliest thing is an EVENT; like brushing your teeth or going to the bathroom.  Then we had to take out the dogs.  Of course Ava has to walk one of them herself.  She is in a "independent" stage. 

After that even we headed to the local YMCA.  Ava loves playing with the kids there and I love getting a little time to myself to work out.  My phone was dead so I had to put up with the men groaning from the weight room and the women screaming from spin class instead of listening to my very newly put together workout mix.  It was a bummer but I got through it.

Went home and we had lunch.  Well Ava had lunch while I stuffed down a Turkey sandwich standing up.  I seem to be eating standing up a lot lately, eating fast, and eating cold meals.  Sometimes I think what is the point - maybe I will lose a few pounds.  But then I look at Ava and think...I might need the energy.  

The rest of the afternoon consisted of a combination of working, playing, and trying to get Ava to nap.  Not very successful with the napping.  Thank god I was kind of caught up on my work.  I try to prepare for when my mom is leaving town because I know I wouldn't get anything accomplished without her help every week.

It makes me happy when Jeff comes home.  We used to go to work together and now things are changed so I miss him during the day. It is an adjustment not going to work everyday but I like it better being home with Ava and I like my flexibility.  I do think it is HARDER though doing both!

Dinner is some kind of cream of mushroom, chicken, veggie, spaghetti recipe I got off the back of the soup can.  "It's not bad" was Jeff's comment!  When did he stop lying to me to make me feel good? Oh well, I was going for quick and easy. 

Ava has been sick with another ear infection so it is TIME...TIME for the ANTIBIOTIC MELTDOWN.  The child knows when we hide it in her food and when we hide it in her drink.  A spoon full of sugar does NOT help the medicine go down.  We have to do it the HARD way!  Funny thing is she gets over it in about 1 minute. 

Well we have just been hanging out downstairs now and it is time to go to bed... so goodnight and until next time!  Hope I did okay on my first blog?!


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